Green Key Announces New Standard for 2022-2025

Green Key has announced its new criteria and explanatory notes taking effect from 1 January 2022 and valid until 31 December 2025. Green Key International and the Green Key National Operators have been working on the revision of its requirements for the past 1.5 years. The revision has also included a hearing process involving the hotel chain partners and other external partners as well as encouraging the public and participating establishments to give input to the new standard.
Green Key’s new requirements have an increased focus on carbon emission monitoring and reduction, reduction of waste (including reduction in the use of single-use plastic and food waste), promotion of circular economy and the protection of the local and global biodiversity. The involvement of the staff, guests, suppliers and the surrounding community through information, training and active engagement remain an important position in the new Green Key criteria.
Finn Bolding Thomsen, Green Key International Director, says: “It is with great pleasure that we can announce the new Green Key criteria/explanatory notes as a result of a long revision process, and I would like to thank all involved for constructive input during the revision period.”
The new standard is valid for the following categories: hotels & hostels, campsites & holiday parks, small accommodations, conference centres, restaurants, and attractions. The criteria/explanatory notes of the accommodation categories are officially ‘recognised’ by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council.
The new standard has around 120-140 criteria depending on the category with around half of the criteria being imperative and the other half being guideline criteria, and an establishment applying for Green Key must comply with all imperative criteria and an increasing number of guideline criteria depending on the years of involvement in the Green Key programme.
It is now possible for Green Key national programmes to strengthen/add criteria in relation to the international standard. It is the aim to have national standards published by 1 July 2021 or with six months notice.